May 28, 2023

This was a dream.

I was on my parents front porch overlooking the yard. There were friends, family and strangers in the front yard. We were gathering for a holiday or something like that. It was night but everyone was busy quickly picking a flower and putting it in their hair or on them in some way and helping others do the same. My sister gave me a flower, and I put it in my hair. In the yard was a giant alter to Mary, with a large white statue of her on it. There was an arch of flowers around the statue. Finally, a band played. It was enjoyable but there was going to be a message read afterwards and that was really the important bit. After the music, some people left or entered the house and I was worried for them if they wouldn’t make it back for the message. And I was told Christmas? Esmeralda?/ Esperanza? de Maria. (I heard this and didn’t see it, so I am not sure exactly what the words were. I know I heard “de Maria”. The whole thing sounded Spanish or another language than English.)

My note: I didn’t understand this message in the dream, so I looked it up on Google. I could find no specific Christmas message. I did find there’s a St. Esmeralda, but that didn’t seem right. I also found that there are two people named Esperenza de Maria. The one, Servant of God Maria Esperanza Bianchini, had seen Mary at this place called “Finca Betania”, Venezuela. And this place was pictured as having a statue of Mary and an alter with an arch of flowers. This was the same alter and statue and arch of flowers as in my dream. So while I still don’t understand the word “Christmas” or if there is Spanish word that sounds like the English pronunciation Christmas, I think looking up Servant of God Maria Esperanza Bianchini would be good. While you’re at it, please read about Blessed Maria Esperenza de Jesus’s life too. They both seem like they were amazing, God-loving women!

The next night before bed I asked for clarification of this dream.

I then had this dream of being on the phone and being told to seek Mary. I didn’t know where to go. And I was told not to worry and to turn left. Well, I left where I was and went out on a road and turned left. There was a large statue of Mary in a courtyard and aso there were my sister and mom and people I didn’t know. The people were handing out small paper cups of flowers to the people who arrived, like me. At first I thought the flowers were a gift for me and the other people receiving them. But then I took them and arranged them and they turned into pussy willows in a beautiful glass vase and then I put this beautiful arrangement before the huge Mary statue. Then I layed down in front of it and said the word, “Esperenza” and closed my eyes. That ended the dream.

I later learned the word esperanza means hope. Maybe Mary wants some flowers and for us to have hope. Please, as always, pray for discernment!